
GC Föhrenwald

GC Linsberg

The Föhrenwald Golf Club is a popular venue for all kinds of tournaments. From regular Stableford tournaments to fun tournaments, charity tournaments, and even national championships, we host them all at our Golfarea 36.

In recent years, both the Föhrenwald Golf Club and the Linsberg Golf Club have been venues for Austrian ranking tournaments and regional championships.

In 2023, the 2nd GARANTA MidAm ranking tournament, including the Lower Austria (NÖ) regional championship, took place at the Linsberg Golf Club. Additionally, there are the following tournament highlights in the Golfarea 36 in 2023.


Our full tournament calender can be found here:

The Linsberg Golf Club is particularly popular as a venue for handicap-eligible tournaments. The course is well-liked by both male and female golfers due to its open layout, forgiving design, and shorter holes.

In 2023, the 2nd GARANTA MidAm ranking tournament, including the Lower Austria (NÖ) regional championship, took place at the Linsberg Golf Club. Additionally, there are other tournament highlights scheduled for 2023 in the Golfarea 36.

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